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Hiring Virtual Staff & Virtual Staff Management




Silicon Staffing Employer Hiring Process

Employee Hiring Process

Step by Step



HR Assessment Survey

The staffing survey helps us understand your needs, business and allows us find the right solution that meets your goals and guidelines.


Phone Consultation with HR Consultant

Our HR Consultants have a great understanding of hiring trends, business management and identifying candidate characteristics that meet your business environment and needs.


Employer provided Candidate Profile Credentials

Our database of candidates is current, and all of the candidates have been personally interviewed and evaluated by our staff.


Create Your Own Candidate Interview :List

Browse Candidate Profiles and create an interview list, when you are ready, we can do the rest.


HR Consultant Candidate Recommendation List

Our HR Consultants will recruit and present 8-10 verified, pre-screened candidates hand selected based on your preferences.


Request Candidate Interviews

Provide us interview details and requirements and will arrange and manage your employment interviewing process. We will arrange the job interview scheduling process.


Employment Interviews are arranged by Silicon Staffing

We provide an exit survey to each candidate and follow up on responses. This is a precautionary action to protect the employer from risk. By identifying potential issues, which may identify better ways to recruit candidates and also find resolutions that can be provided to remedy larger matters.


We will prepare and test candidates based on your requests.

Do you have specific requirements that need to be met prior to the interview? We can render any testing, or pre interview survey or acknowledgement previous to your meeting.


Second Interviews are Scheduled by Silicon Staffing

We encourage you to do at least 2 round of interviews and we are happy to the scheduling and appointment management for you.


Upon your Hiring decision, we will seamlessly OnBoard your new staff member.

Hiring, leasing, short term or long term, we can OnBoard your new staff member with ease.







We use a series of tests in a gamified atmosphere to identify key characteristics about our candidates. The tests are not disqualifying, rather they identify the type of personality, working style, lifestyle and other variables which are matched to the employers environment and working style to create a business match in harmony.


Pre-Screened, Verified Candidates

All of our recommended employment candidates are pre-screened having gone through a nationwide identity verification, criminal history screening, employment verification and social media scan.


Remote Hiring and Management

|| Silicon Staffing Hiring Process || Virtual Assistant Hiring Process || Communication and Task Management || Employee Hiring Process || Measuring Remote Employee Productivity ||

Hire With Confidence

Virtual Staffing

Virtual Staff Management

Virtual Staff Management. Priority is your staff.



for your staff


Put authorities under constant review, as what is important today might not be as important tomorrow. Your team must know how the context changes, so you can adjust the plan accordingly

Virtual Staff ManagementVirtual Staff Management Exploration of all possibilities



of All Possibilities



This should not be confused with responsibility. Teams can share accountability, but individuals within a team are responsible for getting tasks done.


Virtual Work Force - Silicon Staffing